Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
In July 2017, the CEDS committee conducted a SWOT analysis of the region’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
The analysis identifies what local government staff, elected officials, community members, and other stakeholders believe to be important in each category. This helps guide the process to identify regional priorities for community and economic development.
The results of the SWOT analysis are below. The committee also ranked regional service priorities (see charts on the Regional Service Priorities page). The top three are human services, housing, and new business attraction.
- Abundance of land
- Recreation opportunities
- Cultural activities
- Water
- Transportation system
- Strong work ethic
- Workforce training
- Natural beauty
- Civic groups
- Timber
- Historic property
- Tax incentives
- Quality of Life (sense of community & walkability)
- Lack of skilled labor
- Entitlement mentality
- Political division
- Lack of trust
- Aging population
- Lack of rail access
- Aging infrastructure
- Lack of spec buildings
- Lack of zoning
- Outmigration
- Racial division
- Decline in birth rates
- Citizen leadership
- Lack of housing
- Low education (schools)
- Lack of telecommunications
- Natural resources
- Colleges
- Rail
- Sales tax
- Housing
- Aging
- Heritage
- Public areas
- Youth
- Media
- Telecommunications
- Tourism
- Natural disasters
- Perception of Rural MS
- Drugs
- Public discontent
- Lack of housing
- Apathy
- Failing infrastructure
- Youth flight
- Aging population