Summary Background
North Central Planning and Development District (NCPDD) is designated as an Economic Development District (EDD) through the Economic Development Administration (EDA).
As an EDD, NCPDD is responsible for developing a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).
A CEDS is designed to coordinate public and private sector planning and investments into an evolving “roadmap” to guide initiatives for diversifying and strengthening a regional economy.
The CEDS also serves as a vehicle through which EDA evaluates grant requests. Without an EDA approved CEDS, applicants in our seven-county region are ineligible to receive EDA grants.
Having a CEDS also enables us to demonstrate to other funders how a particular project is connected to a regional plan.
The CEDS process is the result of a twenty-four month planning process of conducting research and gathering input from people who live and work in NCPDD’s seven-county region.

To guide community and economic development activities within the NCPDD region by providing an inclusive and coordinated process that is regional in scope, and to support strategies that leverage area assets for the benefit of the residents and region.
The CEDS process culminated with a 30-day public comment period, which was held August 18, 2017 through September 18, 2017.
The following four sections form the foundation of the CEDS:
- Summary Background: Looks at the demographic and socioeconomic conditions of the seven-county region.
- SWOT Analysis: Identifies regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
- Action Plan: Identifies community and economic development strategies for the region.
- Evaluation Framework: Measures performance of the CEDS plan.
The CEDS aligns with the priorities of other plans and organizations within the region and state. In this way the CEDS Strategy Committee anticipates developing a strong relationship between action plans and performance measures for community and economic development at the local, regional, state, and national levels.
One final note about the CEDS: NCPDD applied the Community Capitals Framework to the CEDS process.
A capital is “any type of resource capable of producing additional resources…When those resources or assets are invested to create new resources, they become capital” (Flora and Flora, 2008 – Community Capitals Framework).
This framework shows how various capitals within a community interact with one another to aid in the development of healthy, resilient, sustainable community and economic development.
This framework also focuses on how investments in one capital can build assets in others. In addition, it provides an invaluable tool for evaluating not only how communities function but also the strategic interventions and projects resulting from the CEDS.
Capitals within the NCPDD region range from tangible ones, such as industrial parks, businesses, and nature trails, to intangible ones, such as community norms related to helping one another, pride or heritage, and political influence.
The seven Community Capitals are:
- Human Capital
- Natural Capital
- Cultural Capital
- Social Capital
- Political Capital
- Financial Capital
- Built Capital

CEDS Committee
The CEDS committee consists of members from each of the seven counties in the region, with representatives from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
- Riley Hudson: Kosciusko Attala Partnership
- Willie Perteet: Attala County
- Pam Lee: Mayor – Town of Carrollton
- Jim Neill, Jr.: Neil Farms
- Matthew Harrison: Grenada Economic Development District
- Darrell Robinson: Grenada County
- Charlie Joiner: Retired – USDA & Retired – Holmes County Administrator
- Willie Mott: Holmes County Economic Developer
- Angela Curry: Greenwood-Leflore-Carroll Economic Development Foundation
- Jane Moss: Viking Range
- Sue Stidham: Montgomery County Economic Development Partnership
- Ryan Wood: Montgomery County Chancery Clerk
- Cayce Washington: Valley Tool
- Kagan Coughlin: Yalobusha County Economic Development District
Special thanks to the Center for Population Studies and State Data Center of Mississippi for assistance researching and collecting Census data for the Background Summary of the CEDS (Dr. John Green, Cliff Holley, Lynn Woo, and Alex Fratesi).